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Array ( [id] => 590 [catid] => 140 [title] => Guidelines for vulvar and vaginal surgery:Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Society recommendations [thumb] => [keywords] => [description] => [hits] => [uid] => 1 [author] => 系统管理员 [status] => 9 [url] => https://www.anes-guide.com/show/590.html [link_id] => 0 [tableid] => 0 [inputip] => [inputtime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [updatetime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [displayorder] => 0 [nrjc] => Array ( ) [nrsh] => Array ( ) [xzl] => 0 [dzl] => 0 [wailian] => [demo_url] => [zjpjff] => GRADE [zjfj] => [tjqd] => [nianfen] => 2020 [guojia] => ERAS Society Gynecology chapter [pdf] => [tjyjyw] => [lyyw] => A multimodal postoperative analgesic protocol should be used routinely, and home-going opioid prescriptions should be minimized. (1A) [laiyuan] => 推荐常规使用多模式术后镇痛方案,并尽量减少在家使用的阿片类药物处方。(证据级别 :高 ;推荐强度:强推荐) [znzldj] => B [_inputtime] => 1704957183 [_updatetime] => 1704957183 [_nrjc] => [_nrsh] => )
推荐常规使用多模式术后镇痛方案,并尽量减少在家使用的阿片类药物处方。(证据级别 :高 ;推荐强度:强推荐)

A multimodal postoperative analgesic protocol should be used routinely, and home-going opioid prescriptions should be minimized. (1A)




国家:ERAS Society Gynecology chapter

Array ( [id] => 591 [catid] => 143 [title] => Guidelines for vulvar and vaginal surgery:Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Society recommendations [thumb] => [keywords] => [description] => [hits] => [uid] => 1 [author] => 系统管理员 [status] => 9 [url] => https://www.anes-guide.com/show/591.html [link_id] => 0 [tableid] => 0 [inputip] => [inputtime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [updatetime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [displayorder] => 0 [nrjc] => Array ( ) [nrsh] => Array ( ) [xzl] => 0 [dzl] => 0 [wailian] => [demo_url] => [zjpjff] => GRADE [zjfj] => [tjqd] => [nianfen] => 2020 [guojia] => ERAS Society Gynecology chapter [pdf] => [tjyjyw] => [lyyw] => A regular diet within the first 24 h after vaginal or vulvar surgery is recommended. (1B) [laiyuan] => 建议在阴道或外阴手术后 24 小时内规律饮食。(证据级别 :中 ;推荐强度:强推荐) [znzldj] => B [_inputtime] => 1704957183 [_updatetime] => 1704957183 [_nrjc] => [_nrsh] => )
建议在阴道或外阴手术后 24 小时内规律饮食。(证据级别 :中 ;推荐强度:强推荐)

A regular diet within the first 24 h after vaginal or vulvar surgery is recommended. (1B)




国家:ERAS Society Gynecology chapter

Array ( [id] => 592 [catid] => 298 [title] => Guidelines of the Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy regarding prevention of inadvertent intraoperative hypothermia [thumb] => [keywords] => [description] => [hits] => [uid] => 1 [author] => 系统管理员 [status] => 9 [url] => https://www.anes-guide.com/show/592.html [link_id] => 0 [tableid] => 0 [inputip] => [inputtime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [updatetime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [displayorder] => 0 [nrjc] => Array ( ) [nrsh] => Array ( ) [xzl] => 0 [dzl] => 0 [wailian] => [demo_url] => [zjpjff] => Oxford Centre of Evidence – Based Medicine (OCEBM) [zjfj] => [tjqd] => [nianfen] => 2021 [guojia] => Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Th [pdf] => [tjyjyw] => [lyyw] => Attention should be paid to possible benefits of informing the patient about possible exposure to hypothermia during the perioperative period. (1A) [laiyuan] => 应注意在围手术期告知患者可能暴露于低温下可能带来的后果。(证据级别:高;推荐强度:强推荐) [znzldj] => B [_inputtime] => 1704957183 [_updatetime] => 1704957183 [_nrjc] => [_nrsh] => )

Attention should be paid to possible benefits of informing the patient about possible exposure to hypothermia during the perioperative period. (1A)

证据评价方法:Oxford Centre of Evidence – Based Medicine (OCEBM)



国家:Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Th

Array ( [id] => 593 [catid] => 298 [title] => Guidelines of the Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy regarding prevention of inadvertent intraoperative hypothermia [thumb] => [keywords] => [description] => [hits] => [uid] => 1 [author] => 系统管理员 [status] => 9 [url] => https://www.anes-guide.com/show/593.html [link_id] => 0 [tableid] => 0 [inputip] => [inputtime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [updatetime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [displayorder] => 0 [nrjc] => Array ( ) [nrsh] => Array ( ) [xzl] => 0 [dzl] => 0 [wailian] => [demo_url] => [zjpjff] => Oxford Centre of Evidence – Based Medicine (OCEBM) [zjfj] => [tjqd] => [nianfen] => 2021 [guojia] => Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Th [pdf] => [tjyjyw] => [lyyw] => It is recommended to measure core temperature before anaesthesia in each case. (1A) [laiyuan] => 建议在每次麻醉前测量核心体温。(证据级别:高;推荐强度:强推荐) [znzldj] => B [_inputtime] => 1704957183 [_updatetime] => 1704957183 [_nrjc] => [_nrsh] => )

It is recommended to measure core temperature before anaesthesia in each case. (1A)

证据评价方法:Oxford Centre of Evidence – Based Medicine (OCEBM)



国家:Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Th

Array ( [id] => 594 [catid] => 298 [title] => Guidelines of the Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy regarding prevention of inadvertent intraoperative hypothermia [thumb] => [keywords] => [description] => [hits] => [uid] => 1 [author] => 系统管理员 [status] => 9 [url] => https://www.anes-guide.com/show/594.html [link_id] => 0 [tableid] => 0 [inputip] => [inputtime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [updatetime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [displayorder] => 0 [nrjc] => Array ( ) [nrsh] => Array ( ) [xzl] => 0 [dzl] => 0 [wailian] => [demo_url] => [zjpjff] => Oxford Centre of Evidence – Based Medicine (OCEBM) [zjfj] => [tjqd] => [nianfen] => 2021 [guojia] => Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Th [pdf] => [tjyjyw] => [lyyw] => In the case of measurements from locations other than those recommended for core temperature measurements, it should be remembered to properly compare the reading with core temperature, except for the use of devices in which such reading changes are made automatically. (1A) [laiyuan] => 如果不是在推荐的区域进行温度测量,应记住将读数与核心体温进行正确比较,除非使用可以自动校正读数的设备。(证据级别:高;推荐强度:强推荐) [znzldj] => B [_inputtime] => 1704957183 [_updatetime] => 1704957183 [_nrjc] => [_nrsh] => )

In the case of measurements from locations other than those recommended for core temperature measurements, it should be remembered to properly compare the reading with core temperature, except for the use of devices in which such reading changes are made automatically. (1A)

证据评价方法:Oxford Centre of Evidence – Based Medicine (OCEBM)



国家:Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Th

Array ( [id] => 595 [catid] => 298 [title] => Guidelines of the Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy regarding prevention of inadvertent intraoperative hypothermia [thumb] => [keywords] => [description] => [hits] => [uid] => 1 [author] => 系统管理员 [status] => 9 [url] => https://www.anes-guide.com/show/595.html [link_id] => 0 [tableid] => 0 [inputip] => [inputtime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [updatetime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [displayorder] => 0 [nrjc] => Array ( ) [nrsh] => Array ( ) [xzl] => 0 [dzl] => 0 [wailian] => [demo_url] => [zjpjff] => Oxford Centre of Evidence – Based Medicine (OCEBM) [zjfj] => [tjqd] => [nianfen] => 2021 [guojia] => Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Th [pdf] => [tjyjyw] => [lyyw] => The preoperative assessment should identify relevant risk factors for intraoperative hypothermia and its possible consequences for an individual patient: ASA≥3; preoperative body temperature < 36°C; BMI; the extent of the procedure/the procedure over 1 hour; planned combination of general and block anaesthesia; anticipated blood loss above 500 mL. (1B) [laiyuan] => 术前评估应确定术中低体温的相关危险因素及其对个别患者可能产生的后果:ASA≥3;术前体温< 36℃;身体质量指数;计划手术进程超过1小时;计划全麻联合阻滞麻醉;预计失血超过500ml。(证据级别:中;推荐强度:强推荐) [znzldj] => B [_inputtime] => 1704957183 [_updatetime] => 1704957183 [_nrjc] => [_nrsh] => )
术前评估应确定术中低体温的相关危险因素及其对个别患者可能产生的后果:ASA≥3;术前体温< 36℃;身体质量指数;计划手术进程超过1小时;计划全麻联合阻滞麻醉;预计失血超过500ml。(证据级别:中;推荐强度:强推荐)

The preoperative assessment should identify relevant risk factors for intraoperative hypothermia and its possible consequences for an individual patient: ASA≥3; preoperative body temperature < 36°C; BMI; the extent of the procedure/the procedure over 1 hour; planned combination of general and block anaesthesia; anticipated blood loss above 500 mL. (1B)

证据评价方法:Oxford Centre of Evidence – Based Medicine (OCEBM)



国家:Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Th

Array ( [id] => 596 [catid] => 298 [title] => Guidelines of the Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy regarding prevention of inadvertent intraoperative hypothermia [thumb] => [keywords] => [description] => [hits] => [uid] => 1 [author] => 系统管理员 [status] => 9 [url] => https://www.anes-guide.com/show/596.html [link_id] => 0 [tableid] => 0 [inputip] => [inputtime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [updatetime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [displayorder] => 0 [nrjc] => Array ( ) [nrsh] => Array ( ) [xzl] => 0 [dzl] => 0 [wailian] => [demo_url] => [zjpjff] => Oxford Centre of Evidence – Based Medicine (OCEBM) [zjfj] => [tjqd] => [nianfen] => 2021 [guojia] => Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Th [pdf] => [tjyjyw] => [lyyw] => It is recommended to use active methods of preventing skin heat loss since the induction of anaesthesia, e.g. forced-air warming systems or electric heating mattresses and blankets, when the anticipated duration of the procedure exceeds 60 minutes. (1A) [laiyuan] => 当麻醉持续时间超过60分钟时,建议使用积极防止皮肤热损失,例如使用强制空气加热系统或电加热毯。(证据级别:高;推荐强度:强推荐) [znzldj] => B [_inputtime] => 1704957183 [_updatetime] => 1704957183 [_nrjc] => [_nrsh] => )

It is recommended to use active methods of preventing skin heat loss since the induction of anaesthesia, e.g. forced-air warming systems or electric heating mattresses and blankets, when the anticipated duration of the procedure exceeds 60 minutes. (1A)

证据评价方法:Oxford Centre of Evidence – Based Medicine (OCEBM)



国家:Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Th

Array ( [id] => 597 [catid] => 298 [title] => Guidelines of the Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy regarding prevention of inadvertent intraoperative hypothermia [thumb] => [keywords] => [description] => [hits] => [uid] => 1 [author] => 系统管理员 [status] => 9 [url] => https://www.anes-guide.com/show/597.html [link_id] => 0 [tableid] => 0 [inputip] => [inputtime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [updatetime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:03 [displayorder] => 0 [nrjc] => Array ( ) [nrsh] => Array ( ) [xzl] => 0 [dzl] => 0 [wailian] => [demo_url] => [zjpjff] => Oxford Centre of Evidence – Based Medicine (OCEBM) [zjfj] => [tjqd] => [nianfen] => 2021 [guojia] => Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Th [pdf] => [tjyjyw] => [lyyw] => The time when a significant part of the body surface of the anesthetized patient is not covered in the period preceding draping should be kept to a minimum. (2A) [laiyuan] => 在铺单之前,应尽量减少患者体表大面积未被覆盖的时间。(证据级别:高;推荐强度:弱推荐) [znzldj] => B [_inputtime] => 1704957183 [_updatetime] => 1704957183 [_nrjc] => [_nrsh] => )

The time when a significant part of the body surface of the anesthetized patient is not covered in the period preceding draping should be kept to a minimum. (2A)

证据评价方法:Oxford Centre of Evidence – Based Medicine (OCEBM)



国家:Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Th

Array ( [id] => 541 [catid] => 191 [title] => 2022 ESC Guidelines on cardiovascular assessment and management of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery [thumb] => [keywords] => [description] => [hits] => [uid] => 1 [author] => 系统管理员 [status] => 9 [url] => https://www.anes-guide.com/show/541.html [link_id] => 0 [tableid] => 0 [inputip] => [inputtime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:02 [updatetime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:02 [displayorder] => 0 [nrjc] => Array ( ) [nrsh] => Array ( ) [xzl] => 0 [dzl] => 0 [wailian] => [demo_url] => [zjpjff] => LOE [zjfj] => [tjqd] => [nianfen] => 2022 [guojia] => European Society of Cardiology [pdf] => [tjyjyw] => [lyyw] => In patients aged≥70 years and scheduled to undergo intermediate- or high-risk NCS, frailty screening should be considered using a validated screening tool.(Evidence: Level B,Recommendation: Ⅱa) [laiyuan] => 对于年龄≥70岁且计划接受中危或高危非心脏手术的患 者,应考虑使用经过验证的筛选工具。(证据级别:Level B ;推荐强度: Ⅱa) [znzldj] => A [_inputtime] => 1704957182 [_updatetime] => 1704957182 [_nrjc] => [_nrsh] => )
对于年龄≥70岁且计划接受中危或高危非心脏手术的患 者,应考虑使用经过验证的筛选工具。(证据级别:Level B ;推荐强度: Ⅱa)

In patients aged≥70 years and scheduled to undergo intermediate- or high-risk NCS, frailty screening should be considered using a validated screening tool.(Evidence: Level B,Recommendation: Ⅱa)




国家:European Society of Cardiology

Array ( [id] => 542 [catid] => 191 [title] => 2022 ESC Guidelines on cardiovascular assessment and management of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery [thumb] => [keywords] => [description] => [hits] => [uid] => 1 [author] => 系统管理员 [status] => 9 [url] => https://www.anes-guide.com/show/542.html [link_id] => 0 [tableid] => 0 [inputip] => [inputtime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:02 [updatetime] => 2024-01-11 15:13:02 [displayorder] => 0 [nrjc] => Array ( ) [nrsh] => Array ( ) [xzl] => 0 [dzl] => 0 [wailian] => [demo_url] => [zjpjff] => LOE [zjfj] => [tjqd] => [nianfen] => 2022 [guojia] => European Society of Cardiology [pdf] => [tjyjyw] => [lyyw] => Adjusting risk assessments according to self-reported ability to climb two flights of stairs should be considered in patients referred for intermediate- or high-risk NCS.(Evidence: Level B,Recommendation: Ⅱa) [laiyuan] => 对于中危或高危非心脏手术患者,应考虑根据自我报告的爬两层楼梯的能力调整风险评估。(证据级别:Level B ;推荐强度: Ⅱa) [znzldj] => A [_inputtime] => 1704957182 [_updatetime] => 1704957182 [_nrjc] => [_nrsh] => )
对于中危或高危非心脏手术患者,应考虑根据自我报告的爬两层楼梯的能力调整风险评估。(证据级别:Level B ;推荐强度: Ⅱa)

Adjusting risk assessments according to self-reported ability to climb two flights of stairs should be considered in patients referred for intermediate- or high-risk NCS.(Evidence: Level B,Recommendation: Ⅱa)




国家:European Society of Cardiology
